
Prof. Anne Sanders’ Seminar (Recording)

On 20 February 2024 Prof. dr. Anne Sanders, Universität Bielefeld, delivered a lecture on European Foundation Law in Comparative Perspective.

Dr Tomasz Klimek’s Seminar (Recording)

On 17 October 2023, Dr Tomasz Klimek, an attorney-in-law in Austria and Liechtenstein, shared his insights into practical aspects of running private foundations in these two countries. The meeting has been recorded and you can watch it here.

Prof. Anne Sanders

Prof. Anne Sanders’ Seminar (Recording)

On 20 February 2024 Prof. dr. Anne Sanders, Universität Bielefeld, delivered a lecture on European Foundation Law in Comparative Perspective.

University of Warsaw

Prof. dr. Anne Sanders on European Foundation Law

On 20 February 2024 at 5 p.m. (CET), Prof. dr. Anne Sanders, Universität Bielefeld, will deliver a lecture on European Foundation Law in Comparative Perspective during the 21st Open Seminar of the Chair of Commercial and Corporate Law of University of Warsaw.

Dr Tomasz Klimek’s Seminar (Recording)

On 17 October 2023, Dr Tomasz Klimek, an attorney-in-law in Austria and Liechtenstein, shared his insights into practical aspects of running private foundations in these two countries. The meeting has been recorded and you can watch it here.

Seminar 5: Dr Tomasz Klimek on practical aspects of establishing and managing private foundations in Austria and Liechtenstein

On 17 October 2023 at 5 p.m. (CET), Dr Tomasz Klimek, an attorney-in-law in Austria and Liechtenstein, will share his insights into practical aspects of running private foundations in these two countries.

Seminar 4: Prof. Martin Schauer on private foundations in Austria

Next online seminar will take place on 21 March 2023 at 5.00 p.m. (CET) via Zoom and cover the topic of private foundations in Austria. The speaker will be Prof. Martin Schauer.

Seminar 3: Dr Christian Bochmann on private foundations in Germany

Next online seminar will take place on 6 March 2023 at 5.30 p.m. via Zoom. It is entitled “Foundation-owned Family Firms in Germany and the Balance between Continuity and Transformation”. The speaker will be Dr Christian Bochmann.


Seminar 2: Vincent Pfammatter about private foundations in Switzerland

Next online seminar takes place 21 February 2023 at 5.30 p.m. via Zoom and it concerns private foundations in Switzerland. The speaker is Vincent Pfammatter.


Seminar 1: Prof. Alexandra Butterstein about private foundations in Liechtenstein

23 January 2023 at 5.30 p.m. there is the first seminar of the online series on estate planning in Europe. Prof. Alexandra Butterstein will be speaking on private foundations in Liechtenstein via Zoom.


Online seminars on private foundations in Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany, and Austria

We invite to four seminars entitled “Wealth Management: Private Foundations – Comparative Perspective”. They will be carried out by exceptional experts on estate planning from Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany, and Austria. The meetings will take place online and will be open to everybody.


The law on family foundation proceeded in the lower house of Polish parliament

23 November 2022 the law on family foundation, drafted in the government, has been introduced to the lower house of Polish parliament (Sejm). As the Bill no 2798, it has been sent to the first reading.