“Succession Law of Entrepreneurs”. The commentary edited by Konrad Osajda

Our team has just published a new, important commentary concerning estate planning. “Succession Law of Entrepreneurs” is a set of extended commentaries to regulations of special importance for planning succession of business.

Prawo Spadkowe PrzedsiębiorcówRecently, there has been published an advanced, almost 2000-pages commentary (“Succession Law of Entrepreneurs”) to acts and provisions of Polish law which regulate legal effects of death of an entrepreneur. It has been edited by prof. Konrad Osajda, It has became a part of a series of commentary edited, and its authors are members of our research team – Wojciech Bańczyk, Kacper Górniak, Krzysztof Grzegorczyk – who cooperated with other scholars (Patryk Bender; Piotr Grzebyk; Wojciech Iwański; Aleksander Jakubowski; Karolina Rokicka-Murszewska; prof. Andrzej Stempniak; Kamil Wielgus). It has become a part of a series of commentary edited by prof. Konrad Osajda entitled “Commentaries to Private Law”, as a volume IV.C. The series is published and actualized since 2011 in the publishing company C.H. BECK and, simultaneously, in the legal database LEGALIS (also conducted by C.H. BECK). The book contains detailed commentaries to, among others:

  •  a recently adopted Act of 5 July 2018 on Succession Management of a Natural Person’s Business Assets
  • provisions of the Code of 15 September 2000 of Commercial Companies which regulate effects of a shareholder’s death (i.a., Art. 58, 60, 183)
  • provision of the Labour Code of 26 June 1974 which regulates effects of an employer’s death (Art. 63-2)
  • provisions of the Act of 28 February 2003 on Bankruptcy Law which regulate acquiring an estate to insolvency mass (Art. 119-123) and bankruptcy of a deceased entrepreneur (Art. 418-425).