

A new project of the Family Foundation Act has been published

The Poland’s Government’s Legislation Centre has published a new draft of the Family Foundation Act adopted by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology.


Next stages of the law on the family foundation legislative process?

A few remarks on crucial points of the law on family foundation. And what’s next.

University of Warsaw

Research project ‘The Dead Hand. Private foundation as a multi-generational estate planning tool’ has launched

A new research project devoted to the use of private (family) foundations as an instrument of succession planning began in spring 2022 at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. It is financed by the Poland’s National Science Centre through a grant awarded in the OPUS 21 competition (no. 2021/41/B/HS5/00857). The research team under the direction of Prof. Konrad Osajda consists of lawyers affiliated with the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and the University of Warsaw. Information on the results of the research and accompanying events will be published on this website.